After Sales


The support that Limonta Sport’s technical and commercial staff offer to its customers does not stop once the pitch is delivered. Limonta Sport has implemented an effective after-sales service, which is essential for preserving the excellent technical and performance features of the system for as long as possible, created to ensure an effective return on investment, minimise the risk of injury to the athletes and, where required, to meet the mandatory requirements to have the pitch approved.
Upon successful installation, Limonta Sport provides careful theoretical and practical training to the sports club’s coaches and/or managers, providing all of the necessary information to properly carry out routine pitch maintenance and cleaning. Soil removal, brushing and levelling the pitch to keep the organic infills uniform and stable, checking and cleaning the drains, checking correct operation of irrigation and drainage systems are just some examples of the activities concerned.

Limonta Sport Smart Service: Maintenance and Fied test

Limonta Sport offers its customers a range of professional services throughout the pitch’s lifespan because it cares about its facilities and its users.

The company has assembled specialised technical staff and implemented an innovative action protocol which aims to provide both informative and operational information, advice and support, to always keep the pitch in perfect condition. Game performance, safety, aesthetics and resistance in the long term are the reasons behind the services offered.

Some examples of possible measures that can be followed with Limonta Sport Smart Service- Maintenance

Limonta Sport Smart Service: Fied test

The Limonta Sports staff know-how guides its customers through all stages and planned activities, as well as offering operative and administrative support for approval or re-approval of the pitch according to the target regulation or tests (Italian National Amateur League and FIFA).

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