To data subject,
Please be advised that natural persons and other entities are assured personal data protection under “European Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data” (hereafter “GDPR”) Therefore Limonta Sport S.p.A., in its capacity as ”Controller” within the meaning of article 13 of the GDPR, issues this privacy notice.
A. CATEGORIES OF PERSONAL DATA: Limonta Sport S.p.A. will process your personal data such as: data that identify you, biographical data, contact data, plate number for access to company facilities, administrative data, and data required to make any payment for your services.
B. SOURCE OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA: Your personal data held by Limonta Sport S.p.A. are gathered directly from the data subject and, only in some cases, may be sourced from public registers.
C. CONTROLLER: The controller is Limonta Sport S.p.A., Corso XXV Aprile 167/B, 22036 Erba (CO) Italy | Vat Code IT00354970139. It can be contacted by telephone at +39 035.4812211 or by email at
D. PURPOSES OF DATA PROCESSING AND LEGAL BASIS: Your personal data are processed by the Controller for the following purposes:
- Purposes associated with statutory obligations: including fulfillments relating to accounting, remuneration, national insurance, health-service care, insurance, tax, anti – money-laundering, anti-mafia measures, or obligations laid down by laws, in Regulations, and in EC legislation, etc..
- Purposes associated with contract performance: for ensuring fulfilment of contractual obligations between the parties and for exercising and defending of legal claims.
E. RECIPIENTS OF DATA: Only in so far as those purposes require, your data may be notified to various recipients such as public and private authorities if the law requires or to other recipients functional to the achievement of the above mentioned purposes inside and outside the Controller: they include, as examples, company personnel, self-employed professionals, insurance companies and agents, legal firms, technical partners, banks, etc..
F. TRANSFERRING DATA TO THIRD-PARTY COUNTRIES: The data gathered are not transferred to third-party countries.
G. PERIOD FOR WHICH THE DATA WILL BE STORED: The data gathered shall be held for no longer than is needed to fulfill the purposes for which they are processed (“storage limitation principle”, GDPR – article 5) or according to the legally prescribed time limits. Periodically checks are made to ensure that data stored have not outlived the purposes for which they were gathered.
H. RIGHTS OF DATA SUBJECT: At all times data subject is entitled to ask the Controller for access to his personal data, to have them rectified or erased, and to restrict the processing of them. They can object to such processing, they have a right of portability over the data, and they have a right to withdraw consent to such processing. These and other rights under the GDPR may be asserted merely by notifying the Controller. Data subject can lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.
I. MANDATORY NATURE OR OTHERWISE OF DATA: For the organisation, the transfer of your data is an absolute necessity for it to carry out the above activities directed at establishing/performing and properly handling dealings with you. It is also obligatory for complying with legal duties. For that reason, a failure to transfer the data means that the organisation is unable to carry out the above activities and so to establish and carry through dealings with you.
J. MANNER OF DATA PROCESSING: The personal data you provide shall be processed in compliance with the above mentioned legislation and with the duties of confidentiality that underlie the activities of the Controller. The data shall be processed with digital equipment, on paper, or on any other type of data carrier as is suitable in compliance with security appropriate technical and organisational measures laid down by GDPR.